Sunday, August 9, 2009

Another day another desk

I don't know about you, but I feel like my control (as if I ever had any!) over the house/kids/anything is slipping away from me. Naps are getting shorter, kids are bickering more, the list of things to be attended to seems to be getting longer, and my ability to think seems to have dwindled away relative to the din in the house. Jason is leaving babyhood behind and getting into more and more things every day, which of course requires a lot more of my attention. My packing list for the beach is/was on the old hard drive - which is sitting in a ziploc bag on Matt's desk until a fairy leaves the money to have it recovered - so I'm sure there will be TONS of things I forget to bring - because I can't think. Also why I haven't blogged, or been able to get around to my favorites lately. BUT - the school supplies have been bought, William's birthday party is planned/invites are out, and in one week I will have my toes in the sand. So let me show you another desk!

Remember this? In all it's glorious Colonial American Pine? Ethan Allen circa 1976 has gone from this 'beauty'

through this interim step wearing grey primer and joined by a thrift shop chair (check out those legs - hah!)

To this

Now sporting a lovely satin black paint coat along with some wipe-on polyurethane and new knobs, it's now been moved into it's home in the boys' bedroom. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out - I only wonder how long it will take them to destroy it :)

The only piece of furniture left for me to deal with is this chair I bought for Evie's desk which I think may be covered in 50 coats of paint. Okay, maybe only 6. Seems like 50. Anyway, I tried sanding the rough spots & deglossing it, but that just made more paint peel up so I think I'm going to have to resort to stripping it. Yuck. I really don't want to go there. However, the one leg I've sanded down to the wood actually looks pretty nice so if the rest of it looks good I might stain it instead of painting it - which would match her desk nicer anyway (although Evie might be disappointed to not have her pink chair!) We'll see. Time to go strip. ;)


  1. Great job on that desk and chair! WOW! You are awesome!

    I hate stripping too. I'd make a lousy stripper.

  2. Oh my gosh, that desk is GORGEOUS! Can you come to my house and transform everything for me????

  3. Wow the desk looks fabulous! Great job!

  4. The desk looks fanatstic! Gorgeous. Just put on some stripping music and some platform heels and get going on that chair. (Please be sure to post your after pix.) (But probably not the "during" pix.)

  5. Have fun with the strippin'!
    Ha ha funny. Not really.
    Anyway, that desk and chair look AWESOME!!!

  6. WOW! I need you to help me find furniture and then paint it!!! You have the eye girl!!! The desk looks great! All the pieces you have been working on look fantastic!

    I know what you mean... I am sooooo looking forward to getting away!

  7. Beautiful transformation! And just in time for school!!

  8. You are so good!!! The desk looks FANTASTIC~!!!!!!!


    P.S. I hope the computer fairy brings lots of cash to you soon!! :))

  9. The desk looks awesome! Hope it lasts for a long time. Go pink - any girl would love a pink chair.

  10. I love your desk! That chair is going to be awesome when you get done. I have some barstools that I keep putting off because I don't want to deal with stripping them. Good luck!


  11. Wow, the desk's transformation is uncredible! I'm inspired to get to work on a desk that I have for my big girl...

    Thanks for your prayers on my dad's behalf! Much appreciated! :)

  12. Thanks for stopping my blog this morning... Awesome job on that desk! It looks totally brand new, like something I'd find at Pottery Barn. I've been dying to try my hand at refurnishing some wood furniture we have, but I've been nervous. You my have just given me the motivation to just finally do it. Thanks for sharing!

  13. Let me just say- WOW. I am so impressed with your refinishing. I just don't do anything like that - unless cleaning up my living room counts. It does look totally different when the kids are in bed!

    The beach sounds heavenly.

  14. Oh Jen, that is so pretty! I just love it. You did a great job with something as difficult as knotty pine.

  15. Wow! That turned out gorgeous!

  16. I have so much love for that black desk and chair.

  17. OK, I am amazed you found ANY time to do all of this!!!! I have unleft projects surrounding me at all time...SO frustrating.
    ANd school supplies? Oh God help me....I am SO UNPREPARED for thinks it is denial.

  18. Great job on the desk, it's gorgeous!

    Take it from me since I just got back from the beach myself, when you get there, suddenly everything will be right in the world :)
