Monday, November 16, 2009


Sooner than we imagined, or were ready for, the boy's bunk beds have arrived! About 4 weeks early! But hey, I'll take it. Now Jason doesn't have to sleep on a crib mattress on the floor - not that he seemed to mind :)

It's really hard to get pictures in the room, and we do not have the beds made up with matching bedding yet (if ever, William still seems to love the quilt I made for him a few years ago) but here they are. Matt worked SUPER hard this weekend moving pictures and shelves, repairing the walls and touching up all the paint for me. We also had to take down a ceiling fan so William doesn't get knocked in the head with it. All in all, a lot of work so THANK YOU MATT! I know it's not your favorite thing in the world to spend the better part of your weekend on chores, but now it's done - I promise not to ask you to move anything else - at least not in their bedroom...

The boy's new full/full bunk beds-
they can be separated down the road into two separate fulls

And dresser

The desk and shelves in their final home, where we used to have the crib - and a tired little boy

Sarah now has the bed we had originally bought for William, and she couldn't be happier in her new big girl bed!

Now of course, being that this is the house of Harried Mom, nothing goes without a hitch here. William's lava lamp, which we've never had problems with before (Evie has one too) managed to leave a heat mark on the BRAND NEW DRESSER. (Enter your favorite expletive here). I was not a happy chappy. I currently have it smeared with mayonnaise & covered with plastic wrap - did you know that fixes heat/water marks? - at last check it seemed to be helping. Also, William managed to have a bloody nose on the cover of his new mattress that he hadn't even slept on yet - all par for the course here. And also good reasons to not spend a lot of money on stuff while your kids are growing, because it will manage to get damaged before you can blink. One of these days I'll show you what they did to my sofa :)


  1. Those are awesome bunk beds! I never knew you could get them in full/full! I thought the tops were always twin. That's so cool. Because if you think about it, the oldest is usually on top, but usually get the smaller bed. lol.

    That SUCKS about the heat mark AND the blood! {Good call on naming yourself the Harried Mom}. :)

    Don't you *hate* it when stuff like that happens!?

    Don't even get me started on couches & markers. Or anything in sight & markers. :)

  2. Full-size bunkbeds? How great is that?! I'm going to have to remember the mayo/plastic wrap trick.

  3. These are awesome. My son wants bunkbeds, but I'm not ready for him to have two beds just because they are super cute!

  4. These are awesome. My son wants bunkbeds, but I'm not ready for him to have two beds just because they are super cute!

  5. Love the bunk beds!!!!!!! So warm!

  6. I love the bunk beds!! Our ceilings are too low for them, so we had to get the "junior" loft beds at Ikea. They're okay, but not gorgwous like those!!

    Yeah, no expensive stuff while kids are around...hence, extremely yucky carpeting throughout my house. The good news...Kelly's almost 4! How old is young enough for new carpet? Just wondering :)

    xoxo ~Lisa

  7. Where did you get the bunk beds from? They are gorgeous!! And nice to have a handy hubby :)

  8. Sorry for the mishaps! Hope the mark comes out of the dresser and the stain out of the bedding! It really ticks me off when new stuff gets messed up. The beds are really nice! I love the dark wood. Did you get them at Pottery Barn? Isaiah wants the bed from the Pottery Barn Kids catalog that looks like a boat. We'll see.

    Soooooo, are you ready for New Moon??!!! Can you believe it's so close? 3 days 10 hours! I'm so excited!

  9. I love those beds! I swear, you are SO lucky I don't live anywhere near you...I'd be at your house as much as possible. It looks so cozy and nice!
    I did not know that trick about the burn marks, I'm putting that in my brain's file cabinet. My husband won't let us get new carpet until the kids are "old enough." I don't know when that is but it sure as heck better hurry up!

  10. I've never seen full beds as bunks. Yeah to the Hubs for getting it done. Mine worked on a door and a ceiling all day Sunday.
    We just sold our wooden bunks on Craigslist. They all have regular twins, and they'd be super jealous if they knew yours have fulls! Wait, they'd be jealous of the wall shelves too. Youngest really needs those.

  11. Yeah remember when we put the pizza box on the the coffee table in the living room. Your dad was more than mad..I think he showed us the mayo trick did he not?

    I used his trick to candle stubs out of the votives this like a champ.

    Oh and it's Michelle...I don't remember my password anymore so I have to fly under the radar.

  12. Love the bunk beds...they are so gorgeous!

  13. The beds look super!! Jack went through a bloody nose phase where EVERYTHING has a blood stain on it now...oh well, comes with the territory, right?


  14. We did a lot of bed-swapping like that in our house a couple years ago. A LOT of work, but exciting. And thank you for the reminder of why I love hand-me-down furniture (stickers and markers are the usual suspects here...)

  15. I'm having a New Moon giveaway on my blog! Be sure to come over and enter! :)

  16. How wonderful for your boys ! I love the dark wood with the blue walls !


  17. I hear ya on that. I don't expect to have ANYTHING nice for a long time!

    Love the bunk beds!

  18. Yay for big kid beds! They rock. :)

    I have an award for you on my blog if you care to take it...

  19. I'd love to hear how the bunk beds work out. If we have another child we'll be buying a pair of our own, and I can just imagine our little girl throwing herself from the top.

    Bet you've got an equally interesting cleaning solution for your sofa! ;)

  20. Love the bunk beds! I so want some of those if we have another little boy!

    Hey are going to see new moon tonight? I can't wait!!!

  21. Wow, those are some great bunks! Everyone looks so happy to have a new "home" :) Sorry for the mishaps. That would be us!

  22. Bunk beds look fab! How did the mayo and saran wrap work?
