Monday, January 18, 2010

My mile long list

I'm a list maker and a planner by nature. I tend to get very tense and overwhelmed if I have all these things spinning around in my head, and feel SO much better if I get them written down somewhere. Shopping lists, chores, projects, all of it. Things don't always get crossed off and priorities are always changing, but if it's written down it doesn't get forgotten until it's either crossed off, or removed from the list for one reason or another.

I wrote down all my to-do's the other day and oh my word it's a doozie. On top of the day-to-day running of a house (ie: cooking/cleaning (ha! that's maybe every 2 weeks)/ childcare/child chauffeuring/ homework management/bill payment/laundry/gosh this seems never ending!) there are the other things I want to do/need to attend to. Here goes:

Small stand-alone projects:
  • Finish Jason's cross-stitch from when he was born
  • Finish the recipe project I started last spring (need info off the crashed hard drive first)
  • Finish the collage project I started last spring (again, it's on the hard drive)
  • Make the aprons I bought fabric for last spring after seeing it on Laurel's blog
  • Make my Family Rules canvas that I saw on Jen's blog
  • Remake my Old Navy top like I saw on Jen's blog (clearly I need to stop reading her blog lol!)
  • Deal with the mending/hemming pile next to my sewing machine
  • Order glass for my craft table and Evie's desk (this should be easy to cross off, if I ever get around to it!)
Bigger tasks:
  • Do our 2009 taxes
  • Have a yard sale or otherwise dispose of all this baby stuff we've outgrown
  • Paint/fix up the hall bathroom
Major projects:
  • Redoing the master bathroom. Matt's pretty much in charge of this one; I have ideas in my head of what I want, but the timetable is all up to him.
  • Paint Evie's room. Oh. My. Word. This REALLY needs to be done, and her carpet needs to be re-stretched. I am not looking forward to hauling out everything in her room in order to accomplish this. The girl is a pack-rat. We're hanging shelves and giving her a corkboard so she stops taping things to the walls.
Notice the stenciled dinosaur border :)

  • Fix up the basement. This is actually more like several projects. The stairway could use some 'interest'; the playroom walls are empty (with the notable exception of Puzzle Edward) and the couch and ottoman we bought when Evie was a baby has pretty much been destroyed by my children. I'm going to attempt to reupholster it, unless someone talks me out of it.
Recognize this plaid? Seems like it was everywhere for awhile.

Never buy a couch with the back cushions attached.

At least I can look at Puzzle Edward while I work on the couch :)

So that's it. Think I can get it all done this year? and find time to blog about all of it? Maybe if I stop sleeping, but I don't think there's enough coffee in the world for all of that :)

How does your list compare?


  1. You have a lot to do! I'm sure you'll get it done though. And your craft desk...did it turn into future engineers workspace??

  2. I feel the need for a nap after reading that. You are definitely ambitious! Good luck!

  3. Oh no, now you have me thinking of my list. I have to go lie down now.

  4. I once made a list of my daily tasks and the time required by each. Imagine my excitement when it totaled 24 hours...I then realized I hadn't put sleep on the list! True story.

    Somehow it does all get done. At least I see some fun and exciting things on your list.

    Here's to an accomplished 2010!! :)

  5. Great to-do list! I really need to start making some lists. I try to keep it all in my head and it's not working that well.

    I have a project that I am going to do with that same sweater that I redid before. (I had two of them). So hold off on that project - I think this one is going to be cuter! In fact, if you want to send yours to me, I'll do the makeover on YOURS and send it back to you.

    And I saw the CUTEST slipcover on a blog last night!!! Here it is:


  6. Aaaah, Edward...sorry, where was I?

    My list is never ending too!

  7. I'm tired and have to go make dinner. You'll make it through - baby steps!

  8. Your typed out list makes me not feel so bad about the lists running around in my head. I have yet to put them in writing for fear of actually having to have something to complete. Uggghhh the joys of having NO TIME!!! :)

  9. What an ambitious list, but I know you will be able to get it all done. I have to write mine down too because I don't like it all in my head! Always forget something..

    Have a great week!

  10. Wow, I am exhausted after reading that list! That would be so overwhelming to me! Good Luck;)

  11. I so want to be your friend now! LOL I have a huge Twilight obession and I am over 30 with 3 kids! Would love to chat sometime. Check out my blog from last Friday. I posted about some of the fan fiction sites I have found that feed my addiction since reading the books mulitple times.
    Glad to find your blog.

  12. Wow that is sure a big list. I have one going too. It seems to be growing instead of shrinking. Hmmmm?

    I need to quit reading Jen's blog too (not really, I love it). I too want to make a family rule canvas and a few of her other things she has shared!

    How's the shredding going? Keep at it!

  13. Quite a list just make sure you write them all down and get it accomplished! Love your daughters room I hate that I can not paint walls! (I live on a military post)
    Happy FMM!

  14. I'm a list maker as well, I don't think anything would ever get done if I didn't write it down. I love Tatertots & Jello, she always inspires me to make something. Good luck with your list!

  15. I LOVE lists too! I have lists for everything...I even have a list of the lists that I need to make. LOL. You've got a lot on your list...lots to accomplish! I've got tons of things on my lists right now too. I've started with PURGING my house. I already have 8 trash bags of stuff to donate to a local nonprofit thrift store and I'm not done yet.

    I love Puzzle Edward on your wall in the basement! I'm thinking a Twilight theme would go nicely down there...your own little Twilight sanctuary!

  16. PS Amen about the couches and cushions...the kids have too much fun popping the cushions up and sliding off the other side before I catch them!

    I hope you keep up the momentum. I have slowed right down!
