Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Playing Favorites

I have a favorite, I admit it. I'm sure his status will change at some point in the future, but for right now he is just the apple of my eye.

He's the helpful one of the bunch. When I ask the other kids to do something, he's the one who gets up and does it. He's actually listening. Have I mentioned he's 2?

Whenever I have time to snuggle on the couch, he's the first to come running and claim the prime seat up close to my heart.

When he wakes up grumpy from a nap, all he wants is to tuck himself into my shoulder, just like back in the baby days that are quickly fading into memory.

He doesn't like to get dressed, or undressed, and he likes to do things himself. Other than that he's pretty easy going and a pleasure to have around.

Maybe it's just that he's 2, and the whole world is an amazing place full of wonder. Whatever it is, I am so thankful to have him in our life. I routinely tell Matt we had too many kids - we are so outnumbered it's not funny and there are times when dealing with them is like trying to bathe 4 cats - lots of hissing and spitting and scratching and swearing (mostly on my part.) But to have less than the four we have would mean I wouldn't have my little buddy - and that is something I wouldn't change for anything.

Waiting at swim practice, figuring out which way the marker cap goes; then asking to sit on my lap :)


  1. What a cute little guy! I know what you mean! My two littlest girls are just the sweetest and the cutest. When Jeff and I married we both wanted 2 kids, but somehow ended up having 4 (due to me mostly). Now I can't imagine not having my two littlest girls. They bring me so much joy!

    Your kids are just so cute!


  2. Ohmygosh, Jen, your kids are the cutest! I love that first picture because my boys both have that SAME exact shirt! : )

  3. so so so cute! Loved the video :) Madison was my favorite for a while, but she has dropped from that role recently.... She is quickly approaching the horrible threes and is a hot mess!!!

  4. He is precious- there is something so very special about a little boy and his momma!!!!


  5. I have a favorite too, it just depends on the day ;) People always think that's mean of me to say....but while we moms LOVE our kids the same, we LIKE them differently on different days, at different stages, etc.

    Jason's such a cutie, and I'm glad he isn't giving you any terrible two moments :)

  6. Precious! His looks are such a mix of you and Matt.

    While #5 was, and remains, our surprise, I too, can not imagine life without her. Though it's #4 that's the helper/cuddler....maybe it's a birth order thing?

  7. He's adorable! I hope he stays helpful....

  8. Oh my goodness, what a sweetie! I love that picture of him vacuuming, how precious! And that video is too sweet.

  9. I miss my sweet little boys. Now even my youngest is all attitude but every once in a while they forget that they are 7, 9 & 12 and one of them will crawl into bed with me for a snuggle and it takes me right back to those toddler days. Enjoy them even when he is driving you nuts.
    P.S. Now you have to go get yourself a helmet. They really are more comfortable than a hat.

  10. I miss my sweet little boys. Now even my youngest is all attitude but every once in a while they forget that they are 7, 9 & 12 and one of them will crawl into bed with me for a snuggle and it takes me right back to those toddler days. Enjoy them even when he is driving you nuts.
    P.S. Now you have to go get yourself a helmet. They really are more comfortable than a hat.

  11. He is a doll!!! Shhhh don't tell but I have favorites too... mine change daily... well except for the baby she is always sweet & so far never makes me mad :)

  12. Adorable! A boy who snuggles and carries a vacuum--definitely a keeper!

  13. Oh. My. Gosh. That first picture of that boy of yours sucked me right in! He is simply delicious and reminds me of my little dude.

    What a lover he is and how lucky you are!!


  14. How sweet! And as the mom of four, I so understand how they go in and out as the apple of your eye:)

  15. That kiddo is cute! I also have times where one of the four is my favorite. I am so glad that each one seems to get a turn, too!
