Thursday, May 6, 2010

Vroom Vroom!

So we're having a mid-life crisis. Or we've lost our minds. Or maybe it's just me, and I'm going off the deep end. Doesn't feel like it though! I'm excited - for Mother's Day, my dear husband has bought me my very own two-wheeled death machine!

This has sort of come out of the blue, I guess. It started back in late February - Matt wanted to get a motorcycle. He'd had sport bikes in the past, but had always talked about getting a Harley. He went the sport bike route and purchased a ninja back in early March because of the people we know that ride around here, the ones Matt would most likely ride with had sport bikes. Well, Harried Mom and Harried Dad are no spring chickens and we get aches and pains when doing things for extended periods of time. For me, washing my floors like Cinderella makes it hard to stand back up straight. For Matt, riding the ninja caused him a great deal of pain in one of his arms and the luster of the sport bike dulled quickly. Within I think 5 weeks, the ninja was sold on Craig's List, and the Fat Boy had come home to us from the Harley dealership.

Can't say that I was particularly upset about this turn of events, as for some reason, Harleys just seem a little safer. Call me crazy. Anyway - before Matt brought his bike home, there was the 'should I buy a backrest for a passenger?' discussion. I said, no, I'm not going to ride it with you, that's crazy, we'd need a babysitter. I think that changed early one Sunday morning when I was running & saw a bunch of people ride by on their bikes - one that stood out to me was the guy riding with his lady-friend on the back. She just looked kind of miserable, peering around his head to see where they were going. That is NOT going to be me, I thought - I want my own bike! (In my mind, it's also safer for me to have my own - that way, God forbid there is an accident, we don't BOTH end up in the hospital...)

Leave it to Matt to take an idea and RUN with it. Ok, it wasn't just him - we both spent a good bit of time trolling ads for used bikes & I found this one in a town not too far away in West Virginia. The more Matt looked around & researched good bikes for women, the more convinced he became that this would be the right one, and that it was a fantastic deal.
There's this little bag on the front where I can keep my license and phone,
and maybe have room for Pocket Edward left over :)

So Friday morning we loaded the kids in the van and headed over to get my new bike, and Matt rode it home for me.

Now I just need to learn how to ride it.

And then I can be just like Bella :)
Well - subtract the vampire boyfriend and wolf best friend, then add back 20 years, a husband and four kids - but other than that, yes! Just like Bella!


  1. Wow, I am so impressed. I thought switching to a Mac was a daring mid-life sort of thing. So glad you refused to be the chick on the back of the bike, I always feel sorry for them.

  2. Holy Moly!! You two are CRAZY!!! And crazy in love - so sweet :)

  3. That takes guts to ride a bike, I'm so happy for you!! Happy trails to you :)

  4. Have fun you two! JustBVe safe. And don't wear the shorts and flip-flops, okay? And wear a helmet, and...
    Okay, I'm done. ;)

  5. Just found your blog, and I had to comment. I LOVE my bike! I am rather, er, short of stature, so I started with a cute little Honda Rebel (450) and it fits me perfectly. Would I love a Harley someday - sure! For now it's enough for me just to get out and ride! Happy Riding!

  6. Congrats! That would SO bring back my moped days!
    Now... what's a pocket Edward?

  7. You guys look sooooo cool! And now you'll need a tatto.

  8. Wow, you are a brave girl! Throwin' caution, I like it.

  9. Well look at you, you are a hot mama! What a fun Mother's Day gift! When I was about 12 or so I went on a bike trip with my father. We went from Salem, Oregon to the border of Canada. It was amazing! The bike community was so great. Anytime we were stopped on the side of the road, never for bike trouble just for a break or something, numerous people stopped to check on us. Also any time you passed someone else on a bike EVERY SINGLE TIME they would wave or give you the head nod. Haven't been on a bike since though :( Have a GREAT time!!!

  10. Look at you -- you sexy mama!!! Love the bike! I think that's great - great way to have a midlife crisis :)


  11. JUST like Bella. I can hardly see the difference!
    Seriously, if this is a midlife crisis, I need one too.
    And, in a totally not sexual look HOT on that bike! LOL
    Also. Love your flag. :)

  12. Wow- I love it! I'm a bit jealous. I'd do the same thing, by the way- not ride unless I had my own bike. Awesome!

  13. A hobby for the two of you - completely jealous.

    Riding a motorcycle - not so jealous.

    Okay, maybe I'm not being honest. I might be equally jealous of both.

    Happy Mother's Day!

    (wear your helmet)

  14. I used to have a bike (Honda Interceptor) and I miss it sometimes.

    Congratulations, you are going to LOVE it!

  15. congratulations!! You are brave! :) I bet you'll have a blast :)

  16. Good for you for being so adventurous...I think I'd be a scaredy cat lol.

  17. officially scurred me! I thought I had lost my mind until I just read your post. I almost peed! I'm just sayin. I'm about to lose my mind as I am about to move ...but I see that you are it working...cuz I need to lose some lbs. I need it done quickly. happy mother's day....I have a feeling your gonna need 1-800-GARY! That's a lawyer/Dr's referral service for accident victims here in Florida. I'm just sayin.

  18. HOTT mama! You are SOOOOO on your way to being just like Bella...minus the wrecking...DON'T wreck! I really hope there is room in that front pocket for Pocket Edward! LOVE the's pretty! Keep us updated!

  19. You look fabulous on it. However, here are a list of other things that you would equally fabulous in/on and they are less dangerous:
    a barstool
    a horse
    a hammock
    a lounge chair
    a hoppity hop
    a sailboat
    a park bench
    a teeter-totter....
