Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Lazy Hazy Days

If you know me in person, you know I love my phone. I think that love has doubled since I've discovered the Hipstamatic app - it turns your iphone into a vintage camera. Thank you Laura for posting your pictures to Facebook and introducing me to this fantastic app. Somehow my life looks 'better' through the distorted lens of fake-time (not to mention you can't see my white hairs and old face as much...I'll be wearing a hat to the pool today until I get these roots covered...)Father's Day was good, we sat on the deck a good bit and Matt & I had margaritas. YUM. It's been hot here, up to 95 today, and this is supposed to continue through the weekend. I can't get over how brown the grass is - it usually isn't this bad until late July, and we could really use some rain.Sarah is going to Vacation Bible School for the first time, with the big kids, and I think it may be having somewhat of an impact on her desire to use the potty. She's gone a few times without prompting, and actually asked to be changed twice yesterday & brought me a fresh pull-up and the wipes. Baby steps in the right direction, before she never really cared. I'm hoping that she's starting to see that she and Jason are NOT the same age, that she's bigger than him, and take the next step to get into underwear soon. (And then MAYBE he'll follow along!)
We've been going to the park every morning while Evie's at swim team, there's this fantastic 2 mile path that runs through a treed area right next to the playground - it's so cool there in the shade. Unfortunately, my little two don't really want to walk on the nice, cool path, they'd rather be baking in the sun on the playground equipment. William's a trooper - he would walk or hike forever I think. Matt took E&W hiking on Sunday morning - Evie complained the entire way while William didn't want to leave. Why are we always pleasantly surprised by him?
So we walk on the path, play on the playground, and wait for Evie to be finished.
Then William has his lesson, and the rest of us color in the shade and have a snack while we wait for him. These are my summer mornings for the next seven weeks; no wonder the days are flying by! Afternoons are nice though - having two nappers forces us to be home during the heat of the day and relax a bit, and it allows me to get my bearings before the big push through dinner and bedtime. I will miss those two quiet hours when they are gone...I'm enjoying my time with Jason in the evening while the other three are at the church. This is the first time I've had any time alone with just him EVER, and it's really really nice. This fall when Sarah is in preschool 3 mornings a week, he and I are going to have lots of fun. Because he's my little buddy - and perhaps my favorite (for the moment anyway) - and I think the feeling's mutual. Even if he hated the skirt I was wearing yesterday and didn't mince words in telling me so. Stinker :)
Sad Jason - new batteries can't fix everything, if the toy is just broken :(


  1. I have seen your pics on facebook and loved them!!! I'll have to try that app.

    Your summer sounds a lot like mine!! Busy Busy Busy!!


  2. Love the hipstamatic app. We should start a flickr group for our pictures.

  3. Now I want to get an iPhone. Great photos. You are BUSY!

  4. Love the photos!! I also love your connection with Jason, it is so very sweet. How wonderful that you two have a little time together on your own these days. Sometimes Kam is the first to wake up in the mornings, and I cherish those moments alone with her.

  5. Sounds like you guys are having an awesome summer so far! LOVE the pics! I have that app on my phone...I need to start using it more! LOVE the pictures!

    Hope you have a great day!!♥

  6. LOVED those pictures, can't believe they are from a phone! I have no routine, I'm sure I would be a much nicer mommy if I established one. Uggghhh baby steps right... That last pic of Jason is sad & adorable all wrapped together.

  7. The pics are cool! Love how vivid the greens are...your grass looks great. LOL

    A quick PSA: I just recently saw a news story on just how hot those play ground surfaces get. I couldn't believe the 2nd and 3rd degree burns kids were getting!! Just thought I'd share, as I have never experienced anything it. It was terrible.

    You, by the way, are a GREAT mom!!

  8. I saw a bunch on facebook, and they are fantastic!!
    My boys would love that park with the walking path...they LOVE walks and hikes too. :)
    That picture of sad Jason...that IS sad. :(

  9. that is so nice! great pictures. It looks like you guys are having a wonderful time. Everything's so green!


  10. Wow...those photos are great. I need to try that app.

    I also love that my child isn't the only one to critique my wardrobe.

  11. I just found Hipstamatic last week, and it is great! ChellBell just posted about her cool flip flops -- thanks so much for such a fun package!
