Thursday, July 22, 2010

Hot Hot Hot

It's hot. And sticky. And my grass has dried out to the point where it's hay. Well, except for the green parts around the things I've bothered to water, and in the back it's still sort of green where the house shades the grass in the mornings. I'm sure after this weekend even that will be hay-like. At least Matt doesn't have to mow much, if at all. I'm tired of taking the time to dry my hair and then having it turn into a fro within 5 minutes of being outside - I think helmet head suits me better.

Small people are getting tired of each others company, and frankly I'm a little tired of theirs. You know how every once in a while you can just feel the rage bubbling through your skin? (talking to the ladies here...) That's where I am right now, it's like I'm at a simmer, and any little thing can set me off. Completely irrational, and completely out of my control. I've warned Matt that probably the best thing to do for the next week or so is just leave me be. And stay out of the way. Better for everyone all around. By next week I should be back to my slightly less bitchy self :)

Anyway. Can you believe it's nearly the end of July? I can't. School will be here before we know it. And yes - Sarah is still wearing pull-ups. In a fit of frustration I put her in panties at nap time & told her we were done with pull-ups. Guess what I found when she came out of her room later? Panties on the floor - she'd taken them off, put on a pull-up, then tucked herself in. She really wants nothing to do with them. I'm baffled. And so over it.

Okay I just played this song and feel so much better :) Listen to it while you look at some pictures from our visit with Matt's sister and her family! I don't have a lot because she was taking them all, and then I couldn't copy what she had - no cord & her card didn't fit our pc ports :(

Saturday evening we walked downto my favorite local restaurant to have dinner on the patio and hear some live music...
Sarah was freaked out by the musician & much screaming ensued, but thanks to Aunt Amy she settled down and actually enjoyed it.
Evie and Evan, tired after a long day.
William, who always somehow surprises us by being easy-going.
The table's umbrella made an amazing shadow on the wall :)
Sweet cousin MadelineGotta love a restaurant close enough to walk to...
Almost home...

Monday we took the day to drive into DC and do a quick visit. It's impossible to see everything in a few hours, but we hit some highlights and had some hot dogs from a street vendor. Have I mentioned that it's hot? It's hot. Really hot. Especially when you leave your stroller at home and carry around a 30lb dead weight. Hot.

Thankfully E&W were there to hold up the monument.

Matt decided it was a good idea to walk everyone down the Mall from the American History museum down to the Air and Space museum. Little Buddy and I decided to just wait for them at the Freer art gallery because you know, it's hot. And Jason won't let Dad carry him, he wants Mom. And Mom knows her limits. Mom is smart - the Air and Space museum is a LOT farther away than Dad thinks it is, but Mom remembers from the last time they were there...(have I told you it's really hot out?)
Jason had a lot of fun in the cool museum showing me all the pictures.
Once they walked back from Air and Space -which didn't take long as the bag-check line to get in was too long and they just turned around (I told you Mom was smart!) - we headed over to the Natural History Museum, where Jason and I looked at a few dinosaurs & then went and got some apple juice and a latte. Because really, he's 3, and it was nap time, and I was tired of carrying him, and I'm sure we'll be back someday when he might actually remember it a bit more.
After the History museum we headed back out of DC toward home, trying to beat rush hour traffic. Jason dozed off in the car, but Sarah amazingly didn't - I guess I need to come to terms with the fact that her napping days are numbered. Even with being busy and outside, she's skipping them more often than not recently, much to my dismay. I really relied on those 2 hours or so to regroup and have a little peace to myself. At least she stays in her room until the music stops. It may be time to make her a longer playlist....


  1. You look cool as a cucumber!

    I miss naps. They were my best friend...not wine is.

  2. Your pictures are great! Especially the one of you and Evie!

  3. I love all of those pictures. Kids . . . they definitely have minds of their own, don't they? And yes, Moms are very smart. We always seem to know what's coming :)

  4. I never thoguht about doing a playlist, dang it! My oldest has NOTHING to do with naps & my middle will only do one if I lay with her for a few minutes. I SOOOO know the simmering feeling. It amazes me how easily I can blow up sometimes, really pretty sad actually.

  5. You have the most gorgeous children.

    We're lucky that we only had two weeks of vacation for winter holidays here in Australia...and I was proud that I survived those with my sanity!

  6. I keep asking my Matt "Is there a full moon?" because people are being very traffic especially.
    His reply is always the same, "It's hot, Laura. People are hot."
    So you are not alone.
    DC is a great town, my town, but it is a challenge to do tourist stuff when it's sweltering here.
    Stay cool.

  7. Oh, the pictures are so awesome! I love little boys with blonde hair and overalls with no shirt.
    Probably cuz I have 2 that look like that! :)
    I'm in a simmering stage too...I'm about to seriously injure myself or someone else.

  8. You guys are handsome and pretty, and that goes for you too. Love all those museums--we were there once in July from 9:00 a.m. till 8:30 p.m. when they were ages 10, 8 and 5 and we loved it. I remember how the ac felt great stepping into the museums.
