Monday, August 30, 2010

Random post with no title.

After August's whirlwind of travel and back-to-school prep, I finally sat down and cleared off my DESK. Phew! I think I payed all the bills & dealt with most of what I needed to - at least I hope so. Maybe this week I can tackle something FUN! Like a project! Something to think about.

Evie and William went back to school last week and Sarah starts preschool on Tuesday. She is SO excited - I can't even tell you. Sarah is a girl of extremes - she is either shrieking in delight or hollering her head off because 'I'm trying to tell you something. No one is LISTENING TO ME!!!!' Sarah, we are listening - we just can't figure out what you're saying because you are SCREAMING it. But anyway. I was thinking about this very thing last week, Sarah and preschool, and I realized that this will be the first time in 5 years where I will only have one child with me, if only for a few hours. Not since Evie started preschool at 4, and I only had William for that school year, have I only had one with me. And technically, I was pregnant for half that year and carrying Sarah with me everywhere anyway, so I don't think that really counts. Although they are a lot easier to deal with that way. Less noise, anyhow. Moving along!

My neighbor and I are 4 weeks out from our half-marathon. What started out as a seemingly impossible goal now feels reachable - it's right there, I just need to grab it with both hands and hang on. Really - a lot about running is in your head. Granted, you do need to train and condition yourself - but I'm finding that on the days I set out to run 5 miles, 5 miles is about all I can do. Sunday is the day Michelle and I meet up early for a long run, and I think just by anticipating that it will be a long run ahead of time, you're more accepting of actually doing it. We've worked up to 10 miles so far, and will do 11 and 12 in the next two weeks before our 'race' on September 19th. I say 'race' because I won't actually be racing - more like hoping to make it to the finish to get my medal, ice cream, and free post-race massage. I wish they were doing post-race pedicures, because at this point I could REALLY use one. It's ugly. I was doing pretty well up to about 8 miles, but I'm getting runner's feet. Bleck. But back to the mental part of it - I'm at the point where I don't really feel winded, if I'm running at my own pace - so to add another mile each week is more of a head game at this point - you just keep going. Believe me, I'm glad to stop when we hit our goal, but I guess we're in pretty good shape right now. Too bad I haven't lost that 10 lbs. Or an ounce. Seriously. I'm thinking about cutting out sugar for the next 4 weeks (damn birthday cake!!!)

So I'm running, we're getting into the groove of school, birthday season at Harried Mom's house has begun- I still need to plan a friend party for William and Sarah is up next! - and fall soccer starts on Tuesday. I have to say, I do better with a routine and having at least some of the kids out of the house part of the day. When they are all here it's almost impossible to accomplish anything without constant interruption, and if they aren't interrupting you they're most likely doing something they shouldn't - and I never realize that until its too late. While Sarah is at preschool three mornings a week, I'll get to spend some quality time with this little guy, and I must confess - I'm pretty excited about that - he's a lot of fun to have around :)


  1. I would love having that little boy at home!

    As of September 7th all 4 of my kids will be in school - 5 days a week! It's like heaven :) Of course, I'll be working 4 days a week, but that one day of free time will be pure bliss!

    Good luck on that half in 4 weeks. You'll rock it! I only ran a 10 mile run about 2 weeks before my half, and that was the longest run I had ever done before 13.1

    In fact, I think I ran only 8 miles before my one 10 miler and then the race. And I made it, so you will be way more prepared than me :)

  2. Hey, wait a minute! All five of my kids are in school, why are they still here!!? Oh, yeah...this is where school is. Bummer!

    I love the pics of Jason! Too cute. (how come your blog pics always looks so much better than mine?)

  3. You guys are going to have a great time!

    Good Luck with your running!

  4. He is a dolly!!!!

    I totally get what you are saying about running being a mind game- the week before school started I ran 5-6 miles (w/o stopping to walk), which was a HUGE accomplishment for me!! But now that school is in, I am running with the baby and it's so much HARDER...or at least that is what I am telling myself....gotta get over it and push ahead!


  5. That little Jason is to die for! Adorable!

    I gotta say although I'm very sad summer is coming to an end I welcome the routine again. The evening routine of homework and reading and yes even the sports.

  6. He is adorable!!!
    Did Sarah decide to be potty trained?? :)

  7. What a cutie! How fun to have some one on one time with him!
    Running... ahhh I wish I could run even a little without almost passing out. I bet that would help with the extra 30-40 lbs that need to go away too. I'm cheering for you, I hope your "race" goes great!

  8. I don't blame you for wanting some alone time with that little guy, he's adorable!!!

    Good luck with your training!

  9. Getting into a routine os so nice and I usually embrace it, but I am on week 2 of school and I am still foundering! :) It will come!!! Enjoy your time with Jason... It is so nice to have one on one time <3

  10. What a little CUTIE!! I think it's great that you're getting some one-on-one time with Jason! He seems like a little love bug...I could just squeeze him! :)

    Good luck on the half! You're going to do awesome! I can't even run a 5k...can't even imagine running a half. Hopefully I can get back into walking/running since it's finally cooling down here.

    Hope you're having a great week so far!♥
