Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Catching up on business - Part 3 - Pay it Forward

Shawn over at Seriously begged and pleaded posted a 'Pay it Forward on her blog the other day and I was one of the lucky 5 who gets to play :-)! In the next 12 months (no pressure there) I will receive from Shawn an item made by her - I have no idea what it is, and there's no guarantee I will like it, but I'm really looking forward to receiving it! She has such a great personality and sense of humor that I'm sure I'll love whatever it is. Part of playing, though, is Paying it Forward. I have to, in turn, make things for 5 lucky people in the next 12 months. I can probably handle that time frame :-) but there's no guarantee that the lucky five will like what I make for them! I promise to try to make it 'crafty' and not 'crappy' (insert cheesy grin here).

So: if you'd like to join in on the fun, all you need to do is:

1) Be one of the first 5 to comment on this post saying you'd like to join in
2) Post a 'Pay it Forward' post on your own blog, linking back to my post

I know you are all just so anxious to get in on this, but it is limited to only 5 so get busy!


  1. OMG, I don't know that I can make anything, even in 12 months. But I am always up for a challenge!

  2. I am so not crafty...if we are allowed to buy something...i'm totally in lol.

  3. Hey Jen, Thanks for stopping by and now I am introduced to your lovely and fun blog!
    OK, I am up for this challenge and I will post the pay it forward in a day or so.
