Thursday, April 23, 2009

What's in your wallet piano?

We had the piano tuned yesterday morning for the first time in oh, 3 years maybe? It really needed it, plus D# was making a funny clanking noise. So I let Mr. Piano Tuner into the house, there's a little bit of small talk and then he gets to work. About 15 minutes later he comes around the corner with a handful of:

16 marbles, the pull-string and handle from a top, and a dart from the Nerf gun. I wondered where that big green marble had gotten to! We used to keep the Quadrilla Marble set that Santa brought for William in the room with the piano, and it came with 50 marbles, maybe more. (Best toy EVER, that one! He played with it for 3 months straight every day.) Anyway - there you have it. My piano is now toy free, clank free, and in tune. If only I had time for lessons :-)


  1. Thanks for the tip about the marbles - always like good toy tips. I had to think for a second about what D# meant it's been so long since I thought about music in that way. Love the booty the piano tuner collected from inside the piano. We find mega blocks everywhere these days!

  2. How funny! Why is your piano stealing things?

  3. LOL that is funny! Oh boy what are our children thinking when they put things in odd places. Glad your piano is back in tune! Hugs, Bobbi Jo

  4. Those damn nerf gun darts are evereywhere!!! Everywhere!

  5. lol! We have the same top pieces! That toy looks cool. I know Anthony would LOVE it....

  6. That's about what I pull out of my washing machine every week or so ;)

    Too Funny!!!

  7. Oh my goodness - that made me laugh out loud! So funny! I bet it sounds so much better now!


  8. Looks like the stuff I find in the couch cushions!

  9. That's funny! We have found many toys and other odds and ends in the most bizarre places!!! Hmm, maybe I'll dedicate a whole post to that topic. Life with children always brings the unexpected, doesn't it?

  10. Glad you got that cleaned out!!! Funny what we find in the oddest of places. I have lost 2 Netflix movies, do you think you can send your piano guy over to find them for me????


  11. Yep, looks like my couch cushions too!!! ;)

  12. lol! It's also amazing what a splayed out deck of cards can do to the inside of a piano as well!
