Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Crafty! Pumpkin Edward

While trolling the blog-o-verse a few weeks ago I ran across a reference to the Edward Cullen pumpkin stencil on Ultimate Pumpkin Stencils. What did I say to myself? Hale yes! I am getting me an Edward pumpkin. Of course, it would have to be a white pumpkin. And sparkly.

When we all traveled to choose our pumpkins on Columbus day, I did indeed choose a white pumpkin for myself. However, I really didn't like the idea of Pumpkin Edward getting all full of fruit flies, turning moldy and shriveling up. He's supposed to be immortal, you know? So what else could be essentially immortal than a faux pumpkin made in China from foam! I bet that will outlast me AND my children. And probably their children too. So! Off to Michaels I went, and came home with this:

Did you know they made Sparkle Mod Podge? I didn't, but I do now! It's great! This weekend I purchased my pumpkin stencil (there is a free one out there, but I thought this one was more 'Edward') & got to work. Here's a close up, taken indoors. It's really hard to get the 'sparkle' to show up in pictures - plus I have no idea what I'm doing, and I used my iphone - bear with me.

Here he is outside, all carved, and with four coats of Sparkle Mod Podge

And finally, all lit up! I think it turned out pretty well :)

I'm debating whether to put it outside on Halloween with the other pumpkins. Don't really want him wandering off, you know.


  1. THAT.IS.AWESOME!!! I love him! I want one! I think I'll have to order an Edward stencil and get to work! He looks really cool lit up. I wouldn't put him out either, I'm pretty sure someone would love him just as much as you and take him home with them!

  2. I can't believe you carved that - you totally make me laugh! The things we do as moms to entertain ourselves and take our minds off the mundane!

  3. Oh my goodness... I am not a Twilight fan (yet?) but I have a friend that is crazy about Edward. I'm sending her a link to your site. She'll love this!

  4. I'm the friend who was sent your link by Jane Anne!!! I absolutely LOVE your Edward pumpkin!!! How clever you are!!!!

  5. I have yet to see Twilight... I am TOTALLY missing out aren't I! My sister keeps telling me I NEED to make time to watch it, seeing comments & die-hard fans like you are really pushing me to check it out! Great pumpkin by the way :)

  6. That is awesome!! And you can use it year after year!!! You have to put it somewhere that people can see it though- a porch or a window???


  7. you make me laugh....in a good way. Awesome pumpkin!

  8. Oh my goodness. OH WOW! That looks awesome!!! I heard there was "sparkle Mod Podge" but I've never seen it. Girl, you should make and sell these, I bet you would be rollin' in the dough! : )

  9. That's great! If you put it outside, you better attach an alarm to it...it's not going to stay in your yard for long otherwise.

  10. OMG, that is AWESOME!!! You did an amazing job!

    I have the sparkly Mod Podge already so now all I need is an Edward stencil so I can make my own!

  11. That is GREAT! You make me lol! I would keep him inside too!

  12. Wow - it is AWESOME! You rock! I love it. I think you should do a giveaway and then I could win it. lol.


  13. Holy Cow...that is some kind of talent!! Love it!!

    xoxo ~Lisa

  14. Wow! I can't believe how much that looks lke him!

  15. Haha! That's awesome!! Edward lovers are going to flock to this!
