Friday, October 23, 2009

Happy Birthday Evie!

Dear Evie,

It's hard to believe it's been 8 years already since you woke me up at 1am to come barreling into the world at 6:08. Your story will be forever burned in my mind, as your Daddy and I both worked at the same company and on October 22nd, 2001 our employer layed off 700 people - Daddy included. THAT was not part of our plan. You decided to arrive early the next morning, which was probably the best distraction we could have ever had.

Baby Evie, not even hours old

Baby Evie, 6 weeks later

As you grew, so did our family. At 2, you were already a big animal lover, and so much fun to have around! Mostly you had me all to yourself & we would color & play, and watch Dumbo over and over and over and over again. But then William came along and you had to share.

Nothing says 2 like a ghost cake

Or maybe nothing says 2 like a morning cup of coffee.
We like to start them young!

A birthday trip to the Smithsonian

By four you could identify just about any dinosaur there ever was by it's proper name. It was pretty amazing. Your favorite animal would change like the flavor of the week, but dinosaurs were always at the top of the list.

At 6, as Queen of the Nile

Today at 8, you have a fair amount of artistic talent and a huge love of animals still...

You made me so proud in your first summer on the swim team

You're a wonderful big sister to Sarah and your brothers

And you're still super fun to be around!

Happy Birthday Evie, I hope you enjoyed your day.



  1. She looks so sweet. And is gorgeous. She looks like you (from the photos). Happy B-day!

  2. She looks so sweet and fun. Happy Birthday to your not-so-little girl. Hope you have fun celebrating!

  3. Happy Birthday to Evie! What a little cutie she is!

    My little girl will be 19 tomorrow, wow, it goes by so fast.

    Too fast.

  4. Happy Birthday, she looks such a happy girl! To see her newborn pics to now, isn't it amazing?

  5. Happy birthday - today was my babe's birthday. It's a great day.

  6. It makes my head spin how fast they grow up. What a lovely girl you are blessed with !


  7. She is just beautiful, Jen. Enjoy every moment with her. They grow so quickly, don't they.

  8. Aww, she's beautiful! Hope she had a great birthday!

  9. Happy birthday Animal Lover!

    Tome flies doesn't ?!!?

  10. She is gorgeous!

    Wish her a happy birthday from one animal lover to another!

  11. Okay, I know I've said it before but your kids are gorgeous! That one picture, the second from bottom, she looks exactly like you!
    Happy birthday little one. : ) Cuz she'll always be little to her momma.

  12. Happy Birthday to your sweet little girl!

    She's so gorgeous! I'm thinking there's a striking resemblance to Meg Ryan in that Queen of the Nile photo!

    xoxo ~Lisa

  13. What a wonderful birthday post!! I can see the love that you have for your precious little girl!!


  14. what a beauty! i have an 8 year old son perfect for her in 10 years :) he's an artist too. What a fantastic drawing she did btw!!

    Happy birthday to your Evie and happy 8 year milestone of motherhood to you xo

  15. She's beautiful, as is the rest of your family! I hope she had a fantastic birthday

    I, too, am a harried mom to four and my oldest (age 9) is an Evie, too! Who loves animals. And is a dinosaur expert!

    So glad to have found your blog!

  16. What a precious girl you have!!!! She is BEAUTIFUL! I hope her day was fabulous!!! Thanks for sharing the pics. It is so neat to see how they grow and change over the years!

  17. What a cutie! I hope she had a wonderful day! And how fun that you two have birthdays so close to each other! I hope you have a super day tomorrow!


  18. Such a beautiful girl!

    Happy Birthday!!

  19. She's gorgeous and looks JUST like you momma!

    Hope she had a very happy birthday!
