Sunday, March 8, 2009

15 years ago today....

On March 9, 1994 I went to a pub in my hometown and met my future husband. Little did we know at the time what was in store for us down the road - moving to Florida & figuring out that this was it; relocating to Virginia after spending 6 months apart in different states; our wedding in 1997; buying our first home in 1998; working at the same company for 3 years; me going into labor with our first child the night our employer laid off 700 people, including Matt; spending the next 6 months rattling around the house together & joking, surely someone will call about a job! (this was 2002 after all the dot-bombs). Moving to our current home and having baby #2! Then 3! Ooops, then 4! In my head I still feel 23; well, maybe closer to 30. Certainly not 38! Where did the time go?

You live your life one day at a time, always planning for tomorrow and what it will bring, what you want to do next. Never in a million years did I picture our life the way it is today. And I wouldn't change it for the world. I feel so, so blessed to be sharing my life with the wonderful people around me. It is rich and rewarding in all the ways that matter. A gopher wheel, at times, but it won't always be this way. It's a good day to look around, and enjoy what we've been given, and be grateful. I truly am.


  1. I love reading grateful, uplifting post.
    This is definitely one of them!

  2. Congratulations ! I've been with Mr. CG for 14 years as well, and we met for our first (blind) date in a bar ! We've been together ever since. I, too, am grateful everyday.

  3. I can't help but notice the time you wrote this. Bedtime must have been smooth that evening. By the way, what type of wine were you drinking?

  4. Regarding the time stamp - I can't figure out how that's calculated - I started my post late in the evening on the 14th and finished it early on the 15th. It was published sometime that morning, not at 7:48pm. Regarding the wine, do you mean at the pub? Because I think it was probably beer and Woo Woos! (I was only 23 at the time). These days I prefer Shiraz, Syrah, a good cabernet, or Franciscan Chardonnay is nice. Cheers!
