Saturday, March 14, 2009

Movie night!

It's movie night! My dear sister (also a Harried Mom of Four!) was kind enough to come down and keep me company while Hubby was away this weekend. She brought 3 of her 4 kids with her and they all had lots of fun munching on popcorn and watching "Snow Buddies". It was a great distraction for me and my kids on this dreary, drisely, chilly March weekend. Thank you Becky!


  1. What a darling family. Crazy and wonderful times.

  2. Oh this looks so fun.
    All of my nieces and nephews are so big now (I have 25 of them.) I want them little again so we can do this stuff.
    I guess I just need THEM to start having some.
    Oooo I probably shouldn't say that.

  3. That is so cool how you both have kids so close in age and the same amount...makes me wish I had a sister :) Very cute!!
