Monday, March 30, 2009

Made me laugh Monday

Have I told you that Mondays are my very favorite day of the week? After a busy weekend at home with the kids, I love Mondays - Matt goes into the office, Evie and William go off to school, and Sarah, Jason and I have the house to ourselves for a little while. We just sort of putter around and I really enjoy it being a little quieter and slower-paced. I try not to panic when I think about all the things that have to be done for the week, which can really be overwhelming. Luckily, I'm a list maker and I feel one hundred times better when it's all written out on a sticky note (love 'em! - what did people do without them?) and I can start crossing things off. Then into the trash with the finished list!

Matt tore this cartoon off his desk calendar last week and gave it to me, because of course it reminds him of me; so I thought I'd share it with all my fellow coffee lovers out there...enjoy!


  1. I love making lists too, but I cannot say I love Mondays. I work out of the home :( Oh well.

  2. Ha! That's so funny. I tend to like Mondays too. Shhhhhh...!

    Thanks for the comments on all my goodies! Yes, do get the metal ruler. It works really well! And I think you DEFINITELY need a memory jar with all those little cuties and their sayings.

  3. I don't know if I LOVE Mondays.... You have a great attitude!

