Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Do Not Disturb

I've fallen into Forks with Bella and her friends. See you when I come up for air....


  1. oh enjoy! which book are you reading? is it your first time through them?

    be sure to read "the host" when you're finished! :o)

  2. Yeah, I had that problem over Christmas when I read all four books in a month (I hear some can do it in a week!!),



  3. I read the first 2, and need to buy the 3rd and 4th. The book was better than the first movie, although I think they may have had a small budget. Enjoy!!

  4. Don't say I didn't warn you. Enjoy. After you'll wonder how to get back all those hours of your life.

  5. Good Luck!

    I couldn't stop until I had read all four books.

    I took me about a week and it was addictive. My husband was incredulous that I could be so sucked into the book that I HAD to read it by the cell phone light while going down the road at night. Addictive I tell you.

  6. I am getting ready to start book 2!

  7. Twilight is hot! I might have to check it out.

  8. Girl I am on book 3.. I totally understand!

  9. I"ll be interested to hear your final thoughts

  10. hee hee, good luck! I haven't delved into the books yet. I think my family would like to eat & have clean clothes.

    And that seems about right seeing as my hubby is on the 3rd book and is awfully quiet these days, reading. Commercial comes on?? Mute & read. Bed time?? He's reading. Gotta go to the bathroom?? You get the picture....

  11. i didn't get into twilight until they were all out, so i was able to read them quickly and right after another. i tried to space them out, i did, but just couldn't. i had to keep reading to find out what happened! i hope you enjoy them as much.

  12. Sweet. Savor the Edwardy goodness.

  13. However are you going to fit in running while reading this addictive stuff :) hee hee

    My 10K is in a week and a half...I sooo want to finish under and hour. Don't know if I can do it...but I'll sure try!

    Hope you are enjoying your book!

  14. This is going to sound weird, but I'm jealous. I remember what it was like when I first fell in love w/ Twilight and Forks...and Edward and Bella...and the rest of the Cullens...and everything that Stephenie Meyer had to offer. It's a beautiful thing. If you ever want to talk Twilight, I'm always available. :)
