Monday, May 4, 2009

Friend Making Monday!!!!

Kasey at All That is Good is taking a break this week from Friend Making Monday so Amber {aefilkins} is hosting today! She has all the info you need & Mr. Linky's Magical Widget to link your post back to, so head on over to join in the fun and get connected!

This weeks question is a fun one, Name 5 toys that remind you of your childhood.

This will TOTALLY date me, I'm sure, but here goes:

1) Holly Hobbie rag dolls
I had Holly and 3 of her dear friends, loved them all!

2) the Barbie Motor Home
this was actually my sister's, but we had tons of fun with it!

3) Darci fashion doll
Everyone has had Barbie, but do you know who Darci is??

4) Simon
This was a BIG DEAL on Christmas morning!

5)Gnip Gnop
We didn't actually have one, but friends did and it was FUN!
So that's my five! Go to Amber's to see everyone else's top 5; also, this is my LAST DITCH effort to recruit people for my Pay it Forward post, don't be chicken, join in! and have a terrific week :-)


  1. I kind of remember that last toy. Was the G pronounced? Ga-nip, Gi-nop...?
    Loved Simon.

  2. Ahhh, Holly Hobby. Following in the grand tradition of Care Bears, My Little Ponies, and Strawberry Shortcake, She's Ba-ack! :)

  3. My sister had a Holly Hobby doll (it appeared in many family photos) and we shared the Barbie camper which was eventually stripped of it's interior and used by my sons as a go cart. And we all loved Simon, but what about the Easy Bake Oven or the old wooden Fisher Price people?

  4. Hi Jen,
    Oh Holly Hobby! How could I forget about her?
    Loved your list! Hope you have a great day!

  5. I can still hear the SImon tones in my head. ANd I had that exact Barbie Motor home.....

    Hope your week is off to a GREAT start!!


  6. Loved the Simon game! Great list!

  7. I have never heard of some of those...Gnip Gnop...sounds like ping pong! Cute list..Darci was a new doll too. Don't you just love creative parents?

  8. That Simon game was ALWAYS so much fun! Loved it.

  9. My mom always calls Hobby Lobby "Hollie Hobby." But she also calls Steak and Shake "Shaken Steak."

  10. I had that barbie camper! We had soooo much fun playing with it!! I can honestly say I have never heard of Darci!

  11. Great list! I still love Holly Hobbie! I used to have a Holly Hobbie beadspread!

    Am I the only one who didn't have a Barbie camper? My Barbies had to ride horses to get around.

  12. Love simon...made me crazy though...I never could get very far! Great list!

    Have a wonderful night!

  13. Ooh, I remember Simon. I loved that game. This is a great list.

  14. I know you are a few years older than me...because you revealed that in Amber's post...but I totally remember Simon!! Oh and I had a barbie camper too, but only love of barbies didn't last long.

  15. That Barbie RV was the coolest thing! I put Simon on my list too! It was one of my all-time favs! I don't remember Darci. Seems like I would b/c I was crazy about Barbies and any kind of dolls, but it don't. Great list!

    Hope you have a wonderful week!

  16. I can't admit to knowing all of those toys, but Simon sure rings a bell. I used to get so frustrated with that perfectionism started early, I guess.

    Great blog! See you next FMM!

    Lins @

  17. Gnip Gnop - OMG, we had that game and I forgot about it!

  18. I actually got a darci doll from a garage sale once.. So yes I do! I thought she was the queen compared to my barbies!

  19. i had the holly hobbie bedspread ... and stella just found a really cute holly hobbie internet game ... i'll try to remember where ... it's very ... wholesome and not fashion-y like so much else that is out there for girls!

  20. I didn't have Barbie either - had Cindy instead. My older sister felt that since Cindy wasn't as pretty as Barbie and was shorter and bit chubbier (can you see where this is going?)she should be Barbie's maid. So that's what I was whenever my sister and I played dolls. Her maid. Geez.
