Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Mamarazzi's Favorite Things - my swap arrived! :-)

I want to thank thank thank Tammy at Home in Virginia for my terrific swap! Just look at all this good stuff - Lemonheads (LOVE them!) and Life Savers, a yummy smelling sugar scrub, Avon body wash and lotion in banana and coconut milk, some hand-made soaps (how lucky am I?!) and wax melts, a Country Sampler magazine, AND a Gordon Ramsay COOKBOOK! I heart cookbooks! I am always looking for a new cookbook to try, and this one looks fantastic. Yay!

This was my first swap and it was a lot of fun. Mamarazzi at Dandelion Wishes hosts these frequently so stop by and keep an eye out for the next one. Then you too can get a box 'o fun in the mail :-)


  1. What fun!!! I want to do these one time!!! Great stuff!

  2. Excellent! Fun box of goodies!

  3. Looks like you & Shawn both got tons of goodies out of this swap.

    How fun!! I am going to keep my eye on this blog so I can try it out next time!


  4. FUN!! looks like it was a good match...i love when it works out so well.

    i am hoping to host my next swap at the end of sure to come and vote for the theme, there is a poll on my sidebar!

    i am glad you enjoyed the swap!

  5. That looks so fun! I bet it was like Christmas!

  6. So nice to get something in the mail that's not a bill!

  7. What super neat things! I L-O-V-E Country Samplers! They always have such beautiful ideas. I bet that cookbook is a good one! Wasn't this tons of fun?!

    Hope you're having a great week!

  8. your like the bazillionth blog I've read that participated in the Mamarazzi swap! Have I been living under a rock or something?! and way to go, looks like you got some great stuff!

    I read your earlier post! That cracks me up about the cop! Was he like 19 yrs old and trying to be the big tough cop or what?!

  9. Yay for all those cool goodies!

  10. Awesome! I love cookbooks too! Happy Swap!

  11. What a great stash of goodness to find inside a box! Lucky you.

  12. Awesome! I loved this swap!

  13. I love a good box of STUFF.
    That looks like fun; I should play.
    I'm afraid I'll commit and then fail to deliver.
    Lame, I know.
