Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Dear Tooth Fairy:

Why are you such an unreliable wench? Evie lost her 7th tooth in less than a year yesterday and you forgot to come take it again! I'm getting a little tired of having to cover for you and make excuses. What, are you too busy to check for teeth at our house? Not enough fairies to make all the rounds? I know times are tight right now and maybe there have been cutbacks in Tooth Fairy Staffing, but seriously - I think the only time you made it the first night was when her FIRST tooth fell out. Slacker!

I managed to slip a coin under her pillow this morning, but you MUST come and take the tooth tonight! No slip-ups! Write yourself a note if you have to! Otherwise I don't know how much longer I'll be able to keep up the charade and pretend you were 'busy'. It's a good thing Santa is WAY more reliable than you are. And don't think I don't know this problem has been going on for decades. I still have the note that I wrote to you 30 years ago when you forgot to come to my house 2 DAYS IN A ROW!

Thanks in advance for your cooperation,


  1. It is a comfort to know that it's not just our house that the tooth fairy has forgotten. What is her deal? I mean, it seems a fairly easy, straightforward job. Get your act together, fairy!

  2. OMGosh, the tooth fairy has done that here, many a time. We have made many a cover for the tooth fair and explained it to the kids. "She didn't want to wake you up last night, so she gave us the money for you. She said she'd pick up this tooth when she comes next time...."

  3. That tooth fairy is lucky she doesn't work in corporate America or she would've been fired a long time ago!!

  4. This is too funny! The Tooth Fairy has not had to visit our house yet, but I hope she steps up her game before she does. Geesh.

  5. Man she better get on her game ;) I bet we will have the same problem.... :)

  6. My lowest moment came when my eldest discovered the reminder note I had left myself which read "Tooth" he added, "Now I have Prooth, there is not Tooth Fairy." Have to be better prepared for when our youngest finally loses one (he just turned 7 and there isn't a wiggle in his mouth yet)

  7. The Texas tooth fairy STINKS!! She has missed our house 3 times this year. We have to put a "reminder" object of hubby's pillow to make sure he "checks" before going to bed. Otherwise, we have some none-belivin' kiddos in our house!!!


  8. she must be out of the office, because she forgot to visit my son just this passed Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So unreliable.

    (I think we live very similar lives...)

  9. Yep that biotch did tat here too...several times!

    She had the nerve once to leave a note on the kitchen counter telling Honey to brush and floss better and that she'd come back in a week for an inspection. The nerve!

  10. Oh that tooth fairy...shame on her!!!!
