Friday, June 12, 2009

Random Friday

For two days now I've shared my William stories with the world and what does that sweet boy do while out running errands with Dad? He suggests that it's a good idea to bring Mommy flowers from Costco. I about fell over when he walked in the door with their big bunch (2 dozen?!) of red roses! I am a lucky Mama. You see, this is the enigma that is William. He will ignore everything you say for a week; fight with his sisters; cause havoc in his room at night; generally irritate every last nerve you have and wear your patience completely out. But then, he will also be the best big brother you can imagine to Jason, playing with him in their room in the morning; being so kind to Sarah it will melt your heart; REALLY looking out for both of them while playing in the backyard (Evie? Not so much; but William truly pays attention to them, keeps an eye out for trouble, and has rescued Jason on more than one occasion). He'll draw a heart on a sticky note and leave it on my 'front' (bedroom) door for me, and he gives the biggest hugs of anyone I know. William wears his heart on his sleeve and I pray that when he goes out into the world that people treat it kindly. He's the one I worry about the most. He's my Sweet William :) and I wouldn't change him too much one bit.

In other 'news', I haven't said much about weight/running/fitness in a while - how many times can you say, 'weight's still the same, need to drink more water/less coffee, blah blah blah.' I finally decided to stop talking the talk and start walking the walk. I've been running 3 days a week & doing the firm another 2 or 3 (45 minutes a day of exercise), and I've been sticking to my daily calorie allotment (mostly!) of 1650 calories (with one 'free' day a week) and I'm happy to say that as of this morning I am within 2.5 lbs of my pre-Sarah/Jason weight. The weight bobbles around from day to day, but the trend is downward so I'm on the right track. 80% of losing weight is controlling what you put in your mouth and the only thing that works for me is to write everything down every day. I'm still working on the less coffee thing, some days go better than others!

Tonight's the first night of our summer music theater, a bunch of ladies get tickets every summer and we all go out to dinner before hand (thank you Kim for doing this every year!) Tonight's show is Hairspray, which I've never seen, and I'm really looking forward to escaping the house with the gals for an evening. Matt's headed back to Hawaii on Sunday for a few days so I'm taking full advantage of any time I can get the next two days (and I have my girlie movies all lined up to watch on the nights he's gone! Hee hee!)

and finally, I've been a BIG slacker - over the past few weeks I've been tagged and given a few awards which I have yet to post about. THANK YOU, I haven't forgotten, and I intend to get it together this weekend and 'share the love' on Monday. Have a TERRIFIC weekend!


  1. Awww, isn't that just the sweetest!! Right when you're ready to give them away, they do something that melts you're heart :)

    Woo Hoo on the close to goal weight!! Good for you! It's so hard when you get this close and your body seems to fight you on every lb! Keep it up!

    Girlie movies...ohhh, I'm jealous!! I just love those kinds of nights. Not that we don't miss our hubby's ;)

    Have a great weekend!

    xoxo ~Lisa

  2. I also lost track of a couple of tags :-(

    Enjoy the musical theater!!! Very FUN!!

    I will be joining you in the weight lose this summer!!! Keep it up.

  3. How very sweet of William! I am sure your heart just MELTED! Have fun at Hairspray! I have heard its GREAT! What a neat idea to do with your girlfriends all summer!! I should organize something like that! Sounds FUN!!

  4. Hey Jen,

    Wow!!! 2 dozen roses!! How sweet...melt your heart, grin all day sweet!

    Wooohooo on your weight loss! That is awesome you are so close!! I wish I had your drive when it comes to exercise. I need to quit 'wishing'...'talking'...and JUST DO IT! (like you mentioned) ;0)

    Have a great weekend!

  5. What a good boy! You deserve all of those roses Momma!

    Why on earth should you be drinking less coffee?

    How awesome that you have Summer Theater! I miss that so much! I loved Hair Spray!

  6. That is so sweet! My girls are much the same. After days of wanting to pull my hair out, they'll go and do something very sweet.

    Yay on the weight loss!!!

    I have a hard time keeping up with the tags and awards too ;)

  7. I am SO jealous of your musical theatre nights!!!! How fun! Have a great night out...a break is well deserved.

  8. Our little mischievous ones have a way of reminding us at the perfect time of just how wonderful they really are don't they? I have one similar to yours so I know who trying they can be at times.

    Way to go on the weight things and have fun with the girls.

  9. I heart William and think he and Grant should have a play date. How come you don't get to go to HI with Matt?

  10. Your William sounds like my Riley in sooooooo many ways...sweetest and cutest kid EVER yet tests my patience and gets on my last nerve time and time again.
