Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Self Portrait

I don't say much here about Evie - when we're home she is usually off keeping busy doing her own things - reading, playing her DS, playing with Littlest Pet Shops, watching Animal Planet. Other than the occasional snarky attitude, she rarely provides me with any fodder for the blog (unlike William, who I could probably devote another entire blog to!) so I wanted to share this with you. I should be able to say I found it while going through her school papers recently , but that would be a blatant lie - the school papers are still in a pile on the dining room table, but I did touch them this morning - this particular piece made it's way into the kitchen maybe a week ago, and I just think it's terrific! My first thought is her head is very small and her body very large. Then I noticed the nose, which sort of becomes an eye brow. Matt likened it to a Picasso. I also love the hair, sort of blowing in the breeze, but in big chunks. Oh - and the softball-type shirt with her initials on it! This is her first real stab at a 'portrait', I think. Usually she sticks to drawing animals, her first and last real love. I think she's got some talent, no?

From Drop Box


  1. I think the drawing is a great picture of YOU!!! She is a little Picasso.

  2. How sweet! Definitely get her a little sketch pad! I loved art at her age and was an art minor at college for a whole semester... Got more interested in other subjects, but I do love to sketch and craft.

  3. That drawing is awesome. She is really talented! So cute!


  4. Wow, that really does look like a Picasso! She's lucky, I can't draw worth a shit!

    Thanks again for telling me where I could get my pocket Edward! I love him.

  5. Hi,
    Thanks for stopping by. I'm glad you enjoyed the video!

    I think she did a terrific job! So cute! I love to see what the kiddos come up with! ;o)

  6. I love it!! Frame it and start her own gallery!

    xoxo ~Lisa

  7. She definitely has talent! I love it...very...abstract and way cool! I would so frame it! It's definitely a keeper! :)

  8. I think she's definitely got some talent!
