Sunday, December 27, 2009

12 Years

12 years ago today I pledged to love, honor and cherish Matt until death do us part. We had great hopes for the future that day - in my mind, after the wedding would come building our life together - we'd eventually buy a house, have kids (2 was his number, I had 3 in mind), and grow old together raising our happy family. We had a plan to pay off our debt so I could stay home when the kids eventually came along, and I'd be a happy homemaker.

12 years have passed already, and things have pretty much gone along as I figured. House? check; kids? double-check; the satisfaction of staying home and raising our happy family? Some days are better than others. I don't call myself 'Harried Mom' for nothing.

Look at all our shining YOUNG faces!

The days are busy, and the years seem to be going by faster every time I blink. We were getting ready for church on Christmas Eve and I could vividly picture sitting in church LAST Christmas Eve, down to where we were sitting, what everyone was wearing, and how I went to grab Sarah and Jason from the nursery in time for communion & singing Silent Night by candlelight at the end of the service.

My hands have not looked this nice once since this picture was taken.

I think this will be a challenging year for us, coming up on lucky number 13 - the little two have minds of their own but still need so much help; Evie and William are more independent but less appreciative and helpful than we'd like; Matt's looking at where he is in life at 40 and dealing with the restlessness that what is essentially mid-life brings; I'm trying to maintain my sanity at home with small people while also searching for balance with my sense of self as an individual as opposed to cook/laundress/housekeeper. Or, what do I want to be when I grow up?

My anniversary card - I swear I thought the hearts were blood drops at first glance - how fitting :)

So here we are at 12 years, and I'm hopeful for the future. Things get easier in some ways day by day, and maybe more challenging in others, but each day brings us a step farther from the intensity and insanity that is having 4 kids within 6 years of each other. In my Christmas card Matt told me he's looking forward to another year with me, so at least I know he'll stick around that long :) And maybe by the time we hit 15 years some of the grandparents will be willing to come and stay with them while we get out of Mayberry for a week. Or 3. Please?


  1. Congrats! Twelve years is nothing to scoff at! I know what you mean about wanting a trip without the kids. We are planning one for our tenth anniversary this summer and I CAN'T WAIT!

  2. Congratulations to you and Matt! I just adore that fist pic :)

    Hope you both have a wonderful day!

  3. Happy Anniversary! Hope the new year brings you more hearts tha blood drops :)

  4. Happy Anniversary! Doesn't time fly!

  5. Happy Anniversary!!!!!!!!!!! Such beautiful photos!!!

  6. Happy Anniversary! Your wedding pictures are beautiful! I hope you had an awesome day and that you get to get out of Mayberry soon! :) A few days kids free does a body good! Happy Anniversary! :)

  7. Happy anniversary!

    Marriage is not easy but then anything that's hard work is worth working hard for!

  8. Happy Anniversary!! We have only been married 7 years, and yet still have 4 guys are slackers ;) But seriously, I hope you get a nice adult night out to celebrate!

  9. Wow, Jen, congratulations on 12 years!!! I'm still trying to decide what I'm going to be when I grow up too ;)

  10. Congrats on your dozen years. I've got ten more on ya :)
    It must have been fun getting married at Christmas time. Now you always have that festive time of year to celebrate.
    Too funny about seeing those hearts as drops of blood. Too much thinking about vampires....

  11. Happy Anniversary!! So fun to look back at these great photos!!


  12. Aww, how sweet!! We celebrated our 10th anniversary on the 18th. Congrats!

  13. Happy Anniversary!

    My hubs and I celebrated 13 years in November and we also had 4 kids in 6 years! It's a very busy life.

    I will come and watch your kids for #15 if I can find someone to watch mine! :)

  14. I hope your anniversary was wonderful. Congratulations!! We are coming up on 15 this coming year. Wow, time flies!

    Your wedding pictures are beautiful.

  15. I hope you had a wonderful anniversary!!! You guys looked gorgeous in your pictures. :)
    Also, up on the left, your house at Christmas?? So pretty!!!

  16. Congratulations! Isn't it nice to look back at all you have accomplished? (The 4 kids in 6 year thing is pretty darn good!)

  17. Congratulations on 12 years together!! I love Christmas weddings...yours was beautiful! Love the pics! Happy Anniversary (belated)! Hope it was great!
