Sunday, December 20, 2009

White Christmas

This is the year! We're finally getting a white Christmas here in Mayberry. A nor'easter dumped 2 feet of snow on our town this weekend, however fortunately (unfortunately?) we weren't here to see it, as we'd left Friday evening to visit family for the weekend to celebrate Christmas. Upon our return, this beautiful sight awaited us:

Harried Mom and Dad's front door

Our snow-covered porch trees

Need to clean off that stoop tomorrow!

My snow filled reindeer...

This one normally lifts his head up, I think it's frozen in ice.

By this evening, it had compacted down to 16 inches of snow - still enough to lose Jason in, if he were to fall over!

Matt and I would like to thank our dear friend and wonderful neighbor Rob, who was kind enough to snow blow our driveway while we were gone so that we were able to just pull up the drive and into the garage when we returned home this evening - what a treat that was - THANK YOU ROB! Have Michelle give you a big smooch for me :)

School has already been canceled for Monday and Tuesday, so Evie and William are officially on winter break, so after I finish cleaning tomorrow (which will take twice as long with them home!) we'll move on to baking two more batches of cookies, putting together our gingerbread houses, and wrapping gifts. And I will DEFINITELY be shooing them outside to play in all that snow. Worn out kids make for a happy mommy :) And maybe then Mommy will have time to go visit all her blogging friends that she's been missing this past week...if not, Merry Christmas everyone!


  1. How beautiful! You really do have a gorgeous house!

    But your poor reindeer with his head stuck in the snow!

    P.S. Did you check out my latest video? I think you'll really like it!

  2. I warned you, now we can no longer be friends. JK ;)
    It is so beautiful! I have never even seen real snow..."Lucky!"

  3. your pics are GORGEOUS! Yay all your lights are still working! We have enjoyed the snow and the kids have been asking to go out and play by 6 each morning! I hope you have an awesome day! Now, I must get off here and start my house cleaning, laundry washing, cookie baking, and pillow making day!

  4. I thought it was so bizarre that school got cancelled because of snow when we were living in New England. Up here in Sasaktchewan where I have lived all my school-going days, school has never, not once, been cancelled because of a big dump of snow. And we get a lot more snow up here than in Boston. Water main break is the only reason I can think of that school was cancelled! You guys are lucky! An early start to the holiday sounds good!

  5. Your house looks beautiful! We got about 2 feet of snow, too. (Maybe we live near each other?!) The gov is closed today so it's a fun snow day for adults!

  6. Hurrah for snow but maybe not the snow days as you scramble to get everything done. My guys are finished and on the ski hill! Have a very merry in case I don't get back on before the big day! I'll be thinking of you and you especially Jason on Christmas morning, I do miss the wonder of the little ones.

  7. That snow is amazing! No white Christmas for us this year. Crossing my fingers you get everything done with two more kiddos at home ;)

  8. You get a white Christmas - how fun! AND . . . tired kids DO make for a happy mommy.

  9. So. Gorgeous. And what a lovely neighbor! Merry Christmas!!

  10. We got 2 feet of snow yesterday - and although our neighbors on BOTH sides have snowblowers and saw poor Phil out there shoveling, neither offered to help. Bah Humbug!! Glad you have a nicer neighbor :)

  11. That's some snow!! So nice of your neighbor to blow your driveway. That's a true friend.

  12. Glad you made it back safe and sound!! Enjoy the White Christmas, I know we are!!

    xoxo ~Lisa

  13. Your neighbor totally rocks! We had to shovel all day on Sunday. 2 feet of snow, plus what VDOT plows into our driveway. ha, fun!

  14. BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!
    Her in LA we are having a WINDY Christmas. Knocked our Santa right off of our roof.

  15. Wow! We had a rainy xmas, but the flakes are falling today!

    Your home is gorgeous and I hope you had a wonderful holiday!

  16. How beautiful. I do miss that pretty fresh clean snow but it's horrible after it's been trampled on and car exhaust has polluted it...I'll keep my palm trees all winter long thank you very much!

  17. Your snow was beautiful!!! We got about 9 inches (to a foot in some places) and had snow drifts about 3 feet tall...which is a lot for Oklahoma!! Everyone has been referring to it as the Christmas Eve Blizzard of 2009. It was the first time we have been under a blizzard warning in 20 years or something like that. Pretty crazy and very beautiful! Love your pictures. Nice of your neighbor to blow your driveway off!
