Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Wishful Thinking

William has been hard at work on his Christmas list. He's spent hours pouring over the catalogs that have come in the mail as well as the ads in the newspaper.

He's circled the things he would like, and written his initial by them. Now that he's learning to read and write, he's also been painstakingly writing his list up. It's up to two pages now.

This dear boy wants every Nerf gun, race track, and marble run known to exist on the planet. He'd also like the domino set that we already have in the playroom downstairs. We took it away because he refused to ever help pick them up.

He'd like the the Great Big Outdoor Play Ball and the Blue Bird Musical Tower and a zip line.

He'd also like the Habitadule, the Cool 4-in-1 Tool, and he'd REALLY REALLY REALLY like the Mega Marble Mania - this is at the very top of his list.

And he doesn't just look for himself - he circles things for Sarah and Jason too - William thinks Jason would enjoy the Push/Pull Dogs and that Sarah would like this Castle from Walmart.

He's a very very thoughtful boy who is SO good with Sarah and Jason, I can't even tell you - when they're all getting along they have so much fun with William! and he's really trying hard, in some ways, to be good - and mostly succeeding. And then there are the times you'll send him upstairs to shower & find him, 15 minutes later, standing in his room with his pants around his ankles rearranging the stickers on his wall. Go figure.


  1. What a sweet boy! I love the pics! You can tell he is really concentrating! :)

  2. My youngest has also been working on his list. This is time of year is getting dicey though with my eldest discovering the truth last Christmas Eve. Hopefully he won't spill the beans to his brothers.

  3. That is so sweet, Jen! My girls have been immersed in catalogs and ads too! Your William sounds like my Makenna. She is so sweet with Kameryn, but gets sidetracked SOOO easily.

  4. Oh my goodness. There has to be something wrong with me today because that makes me want to cry! So sweet.

  5. My boys lists will be posted tomorrow...great minds think alike :)

  6. LOL, too funny - the last part where he is going for a shower - hysterical and maked me sigh with relief that it is not just my son that does stuff like that!

  7. Busy little man you have there, and thoughtful! My daughter is only 3 1/2 so hasn't quite grasped the Christmas List thing but I know next year is going to be a heck of a lot different!

  8. Oh, how my boys love to make that Christmas list!

  9. He's so cute! I love the list and I love that he circled things for Jason and Sarah...that's so sweet!

  10. Hey Jen...I am giving away one of those ugly hamsters...come on over and sign up to win. YOu know I only have 18 followers still....what does that say about me? O your stories.

  11. OMG! That last line is SO my middle guy! He does that all the time! Too funny!
    Your William is such a little sweetie thinking of his brother and sister.
    J has a Mega Marble Mania and it's really cool! I hope Santa brings him one!
