Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Baby you can drive my car

What do you get when you send the kids out to get in the van? You get Sarah in the backseat in between Evie and William (and not in her car seat where she belongs) and you find Jason in the driver's seat - ready to roll.

We are in serious trouble with this one. Can I hear you say 'all boy'?

Jason's the one who will be stealing the car at 15 to go joyriding - if not earlier.
He's the one who loves to throw balls & wrestle.
He hates to be still to get dressed or changed.
He's rough and tumble and reminds me of a puppy, always ready to play.

And he wants to drive.

He does NOT want to sit in his car seat!


  1. ohhh the arching back! He is a cutie though!!

  2. Do all toddlers go to a naughty school where they learn to arch their backs like that when placed in a car seat?? He is adorable in the driver's seat!!

  3. Car seats are horrible!!! Go ahead and call me a bad mom but we ditched the car seats about a year before I was allowed.

  4. I have one just like him but all girl. Hang on!

  5. I don't like to sit in a car seat either. I struggle too. I mean, wouldn't you?

  6. Oh MY goodness! He is adorable! I have an "all boy" kinda boy too...they are t-r-o-u-b-l-e and LOADS of fun...and I wouldn't have it any other way. :)

    Hope you guys are having a great week!!

  7. He is too cute!!! Madison HATES her carseat! :(

    PS I thinkw eare leaving for the beach the same time :) Beach Bound baby! I CANNOT WAIT!

  8. Oh, he's going to be trouble! No doubt he's going to provide lots of entertainment for you. (Guess he already does, huh!?) Love the pictures!! Such a cutie!

  9. He's so cute...but much happier as the driver than the passenger. I see that back arch so much when my little guy is trying to avoid the car seat.

  10. That's funny! They crack me up how they arch their backs and buck and kick when you try to wedge them into their car seats. I'm glad it's not just me.

  11. Oh but mamma..He is sooooooo cute!!!


  12. I have an "all boy" too and have the same pic from when he was about that age lol.

  13. Oh, he is adorable. And that "IM SO MAD" face is precious! Hard not to giggle at them when they bow up like that...LOL.

  14. I soooo recognise that back bowing!!!!! Hee Hee! BTW that cute little kid looks just like you!!!

  15. LOL- he is too cute! If he was a little bit older I'd be asking you if he was the little boy in the news you took his parents car for a joy ride. :)
