Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A Quick Thank You

I have to say I'm so excited by all the comments and email that came my way yesterday after my post! Blogland is a fascinating and fun place to find lots of nice peeps. Being a Harried Mom of Four, I haven't had a chance yet to get back to all of you, but I hope to do that today - tomorrow at the very latest.

Yesterday was super busy, we had swim team practice in the morning, swim lessons in the afternoon (at which I took all four of them to the pool - I know, I'm crazy) and then Matt had a meeting at 7 so he served dinner while I squeezed in a short workout (I really needed that 'me' time!) In between all that, I finally went through all our bills & got all that caught up. And I'm now consequently feeling very poor. Probably why I put off doing that as much as possible.

Anyway - keep sending friends my way for the giveaway, it ends July 19th, and let me know if you blog about it! Have a good one :)


  1. Bills!!! I hate paying my bills. I am trying to just pay everything off. I don't want to make any payments.

  2. I hate bills tooo! e are almost out of debt...its a great feeling!

  3. ugh, i hate bills!
    i dream of the day we're out of debt...i dont' know if that ever will happen :|
    at least we're happy though, hehe ;)

  4. I always feel poor after paying bills too. But doesn't it feel so good to have them paid?! Much better than not being able to pay them :)

  5. Bills ALWAYS left me feeling depressed. Hubby took over them about 10 years ago and it has been great every since!!!


  6. Cool giveaway...bill paying is my least favorite chore too!! HA

  7. Just THINKING about bills depresses me. :)
    Isn't the land of blog great? I love all the people I meet! Well, probably not ALL, but most!

  8. I take my 4 kids to the pool alone too...and well, you read about my bills...we really do need to meet for a latte.
