Thursday, July 9, 2009

I'm not sure right now that this was a good idea.


Didn't want to waste a post (#99!), but obviously I figured out how to get 3 columns in the right spots! I was using the wrong template - which dawned on me after I went upstairs last night. So - yay! I've been wanting to put some pics of the family up, but it was getting a little crowded there on the lone sidebar. I'm sure I'll be playing with it for a while now, but at least now it looks readable. Thanks to all who offered to help :)


Ok, so if you're by chance here reading this you probably went WTF or something to that effect when you saw the 'changes' I've made. Hah! That's what I'm thinking myself anyway! I've been wanting a 3-column blog for a while now and so I played around with the code (thank you, Cutest Little Blog on the Block!). Well I can't figure out how to get the posts in the middle where I want them; you can't just 'drag' your gadgets from column to column, you have to remove/add them; and then the background wasn't wide enough and looked like - I don't know what. And the header was an image that didn't match the background. So now I've made a mess of it and it's time for bed and I'm meeting my neighbor at 6 tomorrow morning to run. I could copy the old code back, but I've already moved stuff around and I have NO IDEA what that would do, so here we are. Bear with me while I try to figure this out. Hopefully that will be before I do my 100th post (2 more posts! You might not be hearing from me for a while! Lol!)

Before I go, though, I wanted to let you all know that Christie at Pop Rocks for Breakfast is having an AWESOME giveaway for her 200th post - go see her and get in on it, you have 4 chances to win something fun! Go - go now!


  1. I don't think it looks as bad as you think it does! I love it! I love the side flowery things! I can;t wait to see how it turns out!!!!! awesome I am sure! Yea for running tomorrow AM!!! I just got back from running 6.5 miles! Woo hoo! HAve a great run!

  2. I think it's cute and unique!! I love my 3 columns, it gives me SO much more room to play!

  3. I agree with everyone and think it looks cute! I'm impressed that you "played around with the code"...

    Thanks for mentioning the give-away, and I can't wait to read your 100th post!


  4. I trrrrrrrrrrried and tried.. I can't figure it out either.

  5. Actually, I think it's pretty! I've done the whole 3 column, writing in the center before. When I'm not so tired tomorrow, I will hunt down the tutorial I used.

    I know Sneaky Momma does a lot of great tutorials. They're super easy to follow. And she's super sweet. :)

  6. Ooooh, I think this looks GREAT!! I hate html code. That stuff is crazy. : )

  7. It looks great! I'm too scared to mess with mine!

  8. You figured it out (YAY) and I think it looks awesome!

  9. I have a 3 column layout saved from Shabby but I cannot get my template to recognize drives me crazy!

  10. Too funny...I am in the middle of the same kind of mess...have ya noticed? Changed template, and my "stuff on the side" got all mixed up...and the color is gone...and I am trying to put pictures in photobucket to get larger images..and it is all a mess and I have lot HOURS OF SLEEP! However. NO way in hell am I getting up to run.
    Good luck with that.
