Friday, July 17, 2009

Five Years

We planted this silver maple 6 years ago as a bare-root tree from the Arbor Day Foundation - along with 12 fruit trees that never made it. We wanted to get a tree in the ground to hopefully provide some shade once the woods behind us were cut down for phase 5 of our neighborhood. The picture on the left was taken the following spring, April 2004. The picture on the right was taken 2 weeks ago. About the only thing that hasn't changed is the woods are still there. I guess there is one positive side to the downturn in the housing market, we still have our wonderful trees and late afternoon shade, instead of neighbors sharing our fence. I cannot get over how much that little stick of a tree has grown in the five years between pictures - much like our family.

Back in 2004, William was a little spud about to turn 1, and Evie was super-precocious at almost 3. Matt had more hair, and I had a lot less grey - not that you'd know because it's always colored. Sarah was just a hope I had for the future someday, and Jason? I never pictured Jason in my thoughts of what our family would be like. Having four children just never occurred to me.

Makes me wonder, what on earth will the next five years bring? I have my own ideas, but Heaven has a way of taking your ideas and twisting them up a bit - or completely spinning you around and sending you off in another direction. Either way, I'm sure there will be lots to blog about - good, bad, amusing, and irritating - and gallons of coffee consumed to get through all those busy days. ah, coffee!


  1. I always get the trees and yard cleaned up first when I move!!! I know I should replace carpet and furniture. But, you have to get the trees in the ground to grow!! And...

    it is best to start with a cheap baby tree rather than a big mature one for a few hundred dollars. The little baby will actually grow faster than the $300 one. I have witnessed this first hand.

  2. I'm amazed at how much the tree {and your family!} grew in five short years! Wow! So cool that you have before and after pictures of the tree!

    Only time will tell what the next five years will bring your adorable family!

    Have a fabulous weekend!

  3. Oh my!!! You'll have a teenager!

  4. That tree is gorgeous! It grew FAST!
    My parents have tons of maples, I love their yard.
    Maybe the next five years will bring you 4 more kids! Bite my tongue?
    Your children are beautiful, though. ;)

  5. I can't believe how big that tree is in just five years. Great photos of your kids!

  6. "Ah, coffee" is right! That's a must with 4, I think. I never imagined life with 4 kids, either. LOVE the tree picture and love this post. You are so right about the next 5 years- our own ideas aren't always the best ideas, either.

  7. Those pictures are great and look at all those beautiful blue eyes!

    Thanks for putting my giveaway on your blog! You're the shizz!

  8. Wow, isn't it amazing the difference a few years can make? Makes you wonder what changes lie ahead in the next few! :)

  9. This is a great post! How cleaver to look back over the last 5 years and marvel at the changes, inspired by your tree. :) Enjoy your weekend!

  10. That tree is amazing. It was a wonderful inspiration for this post.

  11. What a great way to measure time! excellent, if only our garden didn't resemble a postage stamp I'd have a go at it myself. So glad the wood is still there...

  12. In some ways 5 years seems like such a short time...but in others...well so much can happen and change in 5 your pictures most definitely reveal!

  13. That's cool to see the progress like that!

  14. Amazing. Truly amazing what 5 years will bring!
    Love the tree pix.
