Thursday, July 2, 2009

It won't fit. I'm sorry.

Sarah is currently on the floor sobbing because this little jar

will not fit all the way into Mickey Mouse's pants. How do you explain that to a not-quite 3 year old? (Now she's mad at the piano - for some unknown reason). I love it when they wake up from naps all happy and cheerful.

Oh - and now I'm supposed to go away. Alrighty then, consider me gone :)


  1. LOL. Too funny! I know exactly what you're talking about. Isaiah wakes up in a crazy "funk" sometimes where he's just mad at the world. Kids are so funny.

    Hope you're weekend goes good! Have a fabulous 4th!!

  2. LOL! I hear stuff like that from my sister all the time. She's got 2 toddlers ages 2 and 3 (11 months apart!) so now I don't call after naptime because usually all I hear is bunch of screaming and crying.

    Can't wait to have kids of my own!

  3. That is sooooo funny!!!!! We have that same "jar" and I remember my now 7 year old making me "chicken" in that jar by stirring a spoon in it. Kids. :)

  4. My youngest rolled out of bed (11 years old) in a big snitch about a glass of water that we never brought him? What water??? Mr. Crankypants!!!

  5. LOL! Oh the joy of being a Toddler.

  6. Is that not the best way to start off the evening shift! lol! Toddlers?!?! They are so emotional but too cute all at the same time!

  7. Oh my goodness that is hilarious!

  8. Hilarious. I love to read stories like this. That's my day in a nutshell most of the time. Bless you. :)

  9. Yep. Ya gotta love the logic (or lack there-of) of a toddler. My 3 year old does the same stuff! It's sorta cute...sorta NOT. :)

  10. what on earth goes on in those little! I a dumbfounded by the thought process of our 2 year at times.

    Cute post;)

  11. That is hysterical, in the I'm about to go crazy sense. I totally relate. Ethan gets totally pissed when the world doesn't work the way he thinks it should. (But don't we all?)

  12. I haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayte it, hate it, hate it when things won't fit in my pants! Especially when the thing is my ass. Frustrating!
    Poor baby. (But so funny.)
